Friday, 27 February 2015

Week 5

This is where we went into more detail about what the final would be about.
We discussed presenting our scrapbooks and blogs, I also shall be playing a few songs through lunch with Iain.

There was also one to one catch ups for those who required it.
My web design course was going well and almost complete.

Friday, 20 February 2015

Week 4

In this week we had a recap of what we wanted to achieve and what the final presentation would include.

At this point I was still pursuing the game coding course as it was on this week o found the flaw in the software provided.

After speaking with Mark Croft he had mentioned to me sometimes the online tutors can do this sometimes to test the pupil, although the course clearly was labeled as coding for beginners. 😯

Friday, 13 February 2015

Week 3

This week we had spoken about creating a blog or scrapbook, to show what we have chosen to do for our 10 week course.

People that needed to speak with Iain did so to explore why that wanted from the course.
I ha chosen to do a game coding course but I had trouble with the software that had been provided.

I then decided web design was a avenue I would like to explore.

Friday, 6 February 2015

Week 2

In this week we met as a group to discuss what Dial was about and what services they provide.

We also spoke about what things that would be done on the side of our own choice of course.